Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Technology Blog Post

Technology has led to the discovery of vaccines and medical treatments.  It has brought computers and televisions into people’s homes, and it has provided us with electricity, the internet, phones, cars, planes and much more.  But an argument can be made that technology has largely worsened the quality of our lives, polluting the air, making our lives needlessly stressful, and dampening our enthusiasm for books. 
If you had to give up one technological advantage that you use all the time, what would it be? Do you think you would be better off without it? Why?

Although technology has its advantages, there also some bad things about it as well. If I had to give up one technological advantage that I use all the time, it would probably be television. Even though I enjoy watching television after school and on the weekends, I will admit it does distract me from things that are more important. Instead of watching television, I could be doing my homework, exercising, or spending time with my friends or family. Television is more of a distraction to me than it is an advantage. I feel like it holds me back and doesn't let me try and experience new things. Instead, I am stuck staring at a screen. I do think that I would be better off without television because it would give me more free time to do better in school and learn new things. Without the distraction of television, I could be a better person. Even though I would miss it, I do think I would be better off without television. 

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